दरअसल इस
जोरू का गुलाम जुमले के पीछे का पूरा मनोविज्ञान बेहद अजीब हैं। माँ-बाप के लिए
करनेवाला श्रवण कुमार हो जाता है और बीवी के लिए करनेवाला जोरू का गुलाम। पत्नी को
पीटनेवाला क्रूर है लेकिन, उसकी बात सुनने-समझनेवाला जोरू का गुलाम। हालांकि इस
जुमले को शायद शुरुआत में कुछ दब्बुओं के लिए विशुद्ध मज़ाकिया लहेजे में इस्तेमाल
किया गया होगा। लेकिन, दब्बु केवल मर्द तो नहीं होते स्त्रियाँ भी होती है लेकिन,
वो कहना सुननेवाली आदर्श पत्नी बन जाती हैं। मेरे मुताबिक़ मज़ाक में इस्तेमाल
होनेवाले इस जुमले के पीछे छुपा मर्द एक संवेदनशील इंसान होता हैं। जो अपने हर
रिश्ते का सम्मान करता हैं।
Basically problem arises out the feeling of insecurity of the parent/society towards the son/friend. Things do change as a new member comes to be a part of the home and everyone tries to have a lasting control on her. When the son/friend displays care to her its natural that he has to devote time and that time comes out of the time he would have otherwise spent with parent/society. Hence the label "Gulam" depicting the frustration. A huge onus lies on the son also wherein he needs to create an intelligent balance among all. Its actually not very difficult. Everyone just needs to take a step back.
Basically problem arises out the feeling of insecurity of the parent/society towards the son/friend. Things do change as a new member comes to be a part of the home and everyone tries to have a lasting control on her. When the son/friend displays care to her its natural that he has to devote time and that time comes out of the time he would have otherwise spent with parent/society. Hence the label "Gulam" depicting the frustration. A huge onus lies on the son also wherein he needs to create an intelligent balance among all. Its actually not very difficult. Everyone just needs to take a step back.
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